Vilnius District Municipality reimburses all parents, regardless of their social status, 30% of the fees for feeding kindergarden and pre-school children in the municipality's educational establishments. There are also additional reductions of between 50 and 100 % for parents for the support of their children, depending on their social situation and other circumstances.
Yes. According to the decision of the Vilnius District Municipal Council, a monthly allowance of €25 is granted for private kindergartens for children if one of the parents/guardians and the child's declared place of residence is in the territory of the Vilnius District Municipality.
Those who do not have the possibility to register their child electronically can submit a signed application to, by registered mail or fill in an application form at the Municipality. The application must be accompanied by copies of the document(s) proving the priority(s) and the child's birth record.
Until 1 April of the current year, applications for admission of children to pre-school education groups of Vilnius district educational institutions are submitted in the information system -> Vilnius district municipality.
Methods of submitting applications for admission to pre-school education programmes in pre-school or joint groups (pre-school and kindergarden programmes are carried out in a joint group):
Parents/guardians do not pay the education fee:
Vilnius District Municipality reimburses all parents, regardless of their social status, 30% of the fees for feeding kindergarden and pre-school children in the municipality's educational establishments. There are also additional reductions of between 50 and 100 % for parents for the support of their children, depending on their social situation and other circumstances.
Yes. According to the decision of the Vilnius District Municipal Council, a monthly allowance of €25 is granted for private kindergartens for children if one of the parents/guardians and the child's declared place of residence is in the territory of the Vilnius District Municipality.
Those who do not have the possibility to register their child electronically can submit a signed application to, by registered mail or fill in an application form at the Municipality. The application must be accompanied by copies of the document(s) proving the priority(s) and the child's birth record.
Until 1 April of the current year, applications for admission of children to pre-school education groups of Vilnius district educational institutions are submitted in the information system -> Vilnius district municipality.
Methods of submitting applications for admission to pre-school education programmes in pre-school or joint groups (pre-school and kindergarden programmes are carried out in a joint group):
Parents/guardians do not pay the education fee:
Information about your child's place in the queue is available at -> Vilnius District Municipality. On the first working day of January each year, the queue for the current calendar year starts to appear for children whose applications indicate the start date of their attendance in the current calendar year.
To change preschool, you need to submit a new application. Applications for admission to pre-school and/or primary education groups of Vilnius District Municipality educational institutions are submitted to IS -> Vilnius District Municipality.
The following children are admitted without a waiting list:
Children with no priorities are admitted to the kindergarten in the general order, according to the date on which the application was registered in the IS database.
Priority for placement in the Institution is given to children whose parent/guardian and the child's declared place of residence are at least 2 years old in the service area of the Institution on the date of admission.
Priority in the formation of queues is given to:
All children are admitted to the Institutions according to the date of registration of the parent/guardian's application in the IS database. Queues are established for specific age groups of children. When a child moves from one age group to another, the queue is recalculated, while maintaining the conditions for priority. Children are placed in groups starting with the oldest age groups.
Applications for admission to pre-school and/or pre-primary education groups of Vilnius District Municipality educational institutions are submitted in the information system -> Vilnius District Municipality.
Description of the procedure for admission to general education schools in Vilnius District Municipality, approved by Vilnius District Municipal Council Decision No T3-16 of 31 January 2020.
Decision No T3-14 of the Vilnius District Municipal Council of 31 January 2020 "On the approval of the service areas of general education schools in Vilnius District Municipality".
Admission to the school is handled by the school principal and the admissions committee. After the committee has examined the applications and evaluated the admission priorities, admission lists are drawn up by grade. The school informs parents of their place within three working days by e-mail or other means indicated by them.
A centralised e-service for enrolment of pupils in state and municipal schools providing pre-school, primary, general education and non-formal education programmes is planned to be introduced in the near future.
The first priority for admission to a particular school is given to those who live in the school's service area. The remaining vacancies may be filled by persons from other areas of the district. In agreement with the Education Department of Vilnius District Municipality Administration, persons from other municipalities may be admitted to the vacant places in the school.
If more applications for enrolment in the primary, lower secondary or upper secondary curricula are received from persons residing in the school's service area than the school can accommodate, the first admission shall be granted to pupils who have completed the primary curriculum (Grade 4) at this school and who wish to enrol in the 5th grade; and to pupils who have completed the lower primary curriculum (Grade 8) at this school and who wish to enrol in the 9th (Gymnasium I) grade; pupils who have completed the second part of the basic education programme at this school and who decide to continue their secondary education in the subjects or subject modules which they have started in the second part of the basic education programme; persons with special educational needs due to a congenital or acquired disability; siblings of pupils who are already enrolled in the school.
If you apply between 1 June and the end of the school year, you will only be admitted to the school of your choice if there are places available.
An application form, which includes:
- the name, year of birth, personal identification number, actual and declared place of residence, phone number and email address of the person wishing to enrol;
- the name of the school at which the applicant wishes to study;
- the date of admission to the school;
- grade of education;
- language of instruction;
- preferred subject of moral education (ethics, religion);
- names of parents, place of residence, mobile phone number and e-mail address;
- Documents proving the priority criteria;
- Consent to obtaining data on the admission from other institutions;
- consent to the use of the data provided for the purpose of admission to the school;
- a confirmation that the data provided are correct and that the person has been duly informed about the processing of personal data.
Yes. Applications and documents are accepted at the school of your choice according to the procedures set by the principal.
Applications are accepted during the period from 1 March to 31 May, according to the description of the procedure for admission to general education schools in Vilnius District Municipality, approved by Vilnius District Municipal Council Decision No T3-16 of 31 January 2020. From 1 June until the end of the school year and during the school year, admission is limited to vacant school places. If, during the school year, a person at the school's service area and there are vacancies, he/she shall be admitted to the appropriate class. If there are no places available, the nearest school with the same curriculum is offered.
Enrolment in the first part of the Primary Education Programme is open to those who have completed the Primary Education Programme and who present a certificate of primary education (or other evidence of primary education), and in the second part of the Primary Education Programme, to those who present a certificate of learning achievements or a statement of learning achievements. The application must be submitted to the school of your choice between 1 March and 31 May, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the school principal. A child aged 14-18 may apply on his/her own with the written consent of one of the parents.
Enrolment in schools is open to people who live in the school's administrative area. Children who are 7 years old in the calendar year of enrolment are admitted to primary education (a child may be admitted one year earlier if he/she has been in primary education). The application for a child under 14 years of age must be submitted by one of the parents. The application period for the school of your choice is from 1 March to 31 May.
It is forbidden for people to bathe or wash animals in fountains, springs, and in public indoor water bodies and rivers during the designated bathing season.
The municipality's elderships organise and coordinate the management and maintenance of common areas (pedestrian paths, roads and streets, parking lots, bus stops, bridges, viaducts, parks, squares, cemeteries, quays, beaches, etc.) and the provision of the necessary facilities (information boards, garbage bins, benches, toilets, etc.).
According to the provisions of Article 488 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Lithuania (Disturbance of Public Peace), shouting, whistling, loud singing or playing musical instruments, other sound apparatus or other noise-making acts in streets, squares, parks, beaches, public transport and other public places, and in the evening (from 7 p.m. onwards), in public transport and in public places, shall not be permitted. In public places, businesses, institutions or organisations, during the night (from 10 p.m. to 10 p.m.) and at night (from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.), where it disturbs the peace, rest or work of persons, a fine of between twenty and eighty euros may be imposed.
Please also note that noise source managers carrying out construction works must comply with the Order of the Director of Vilnius District Municipality Administration No. A27(1)-2408 approved by the Rules for carrying out planned inspections of noise control by noise source managers who are not economic entities during construction works in residential premises and residential areas, and the provisions of the Order of the Director of the Vilnius District Municipal Administration No. A27(1)-1152 of 16-05-2017 "On the determination of the permitted start and end times of construction works in the territory of the Vilnius District Municipality". Permitted starting and finishing times for construction works in the territory of Vilnius District Municipality: 1. On weekdays from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.; 2. On weekends and public holidays from 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
The form for notification of planned construction works can be found at the following address:
Residents of Vilnius District are also informed that in all cases, they must comply with the Rules for the Prevention of Noise in Public Places of Vilnius District Municipality approved by Vilnius District Municipal Council Decision No T3-126 of 31 March 2017.
The scrap metal yard. It is also the personal responsibility of each vehicle owner to take care of and be responsible for the operation of their vehicle.
According to point 47.25 of the Rules of Cleanliness and Tidiness of Vilnius District Municipality approved by the Decision of Vilnius District Municipality Council No.T3-127 of 31 March 2017, it is forbidden to store various machinery, inoperable, technically defective, unattended vehicles or their parts, or cars damaged 15 days after an accident, in the common areas, except for in designated parking areas. Such actions are subject to administrative liability under Article 366 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Lithuania.
Police officers are responsible for handling road traffic offences. This is subject to administrative liability under Articles 417, 420 and 428 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Lithuania.
The heating compensation is available to people who are in a less financially well-off situation for the heating season, upon providing an application and documentation to the local eldership.
According to point 7 of the Rules on Cleanliness and Tidiness of Vilnius District Municipality, approved by Vilnius District Municipality Council Decision No T3-127 of 31 March 2017, individuals are obliged to clean their plot, take care of its aesthetic appearance and maintain it in such a way as not to cause harm to third parties in the designated territories. They must collect rubbish, remove debris, mow, maintain plants, pick up fallen branches, and dispose of construction and other waste in designated areas.
In accordance with point 49 of the Rules, the Vilnius District Municipal Administration is responsible for monitoring compliance with the requirements set out in the Rules. Specialists authorised by the Head of the Municipal Administration and officials specified in the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Lithuania have the right to issue administrative offence reports for non-compliance with the Rules.
The Lithuanian national flag is displayed in front of government and municipal institutions and establishments, enterprises and organisations, regardless of their type of ownership, as well as in front of residential buildings on public holidays:
16 February – Day of Restoration of Lithuania's Independence,
11 March – Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania,
6 July – State (day of the coronation of King Mindaugas) Day of Lithuania.
National flag of the State of Lithuania is displayed at, over or on state and municipal institutions and institutions on the following commemorative and other days:
1 January – Lithuanian Flag Day;
13 January – Freedom Defender's Day;
24 February – Estonian Independence Day;
29 March – Lithuania's NATO accession day;
1 May – Lithuania's accession day to the European Union;
9 May – Europe Day;
14 June – Day of Mourning and Hope (with mourning sign);
15 June – Occupation and Genocide Day (with a mourning sign);
15 July – Žalgiris Battle Day;
23 August – European Day in Memory of the Victims of Stalinism and Nazism and Baltic Way Day;
31 August – Freedom Day;
23 September – National Memorial Day for the Genocide Victims of the Lithuanian Jews (with mourning sign);
25 October – Lithuanian Constitution Day;
18 November – Latvian Independence Day;
23 November – Lithuanian Armed Forces Day.
Violation of the procedure for hoisting the Lithuanian state flag is punishable by administrative liability. Article 519 of the Code of Administrative Offences, entitled "Violation of the procedure for displaying flags", establishes that a violation of the procedure for displaying the flag of the Republic of Lithuania carries a warning or a fine of ten to twelve euros for the heads of legal entities, other than state and municipal institutions and bodies, or other persons in charge, or for the owners of residential houses or persons in charge of the organisation of the operation of residential houses, and a fine of ten to 16 euros for the heads of state and municipal institutions and bodies, or other persons in charge.
Permits for felling, replanting or otherwise removing trees and bushes under protection are issued by the Municipal Executive Institution.
Applications for felling and pruning of trees should be submitted to the eldership in which the trees are located or to the Vilnius District Municipality Administration's document reception desk, or sent by email to
People who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to declare their place of residence must apply to the municipality of their place of residence and request to be included in the register of people who have not declared their place of residence.
Depends on the size of the property, if the person is an adult the property must be at least 7 square metres for each person.
You cannot declare your residence simply on a plot of land, even if it has an address.
You can also declare your place of residence in a garden house, as long as it is properly listed and has an address.
The resident declares the place of residence where they spend most of their time, and if they live in a property intended for another purpose, it can be declared as their residence.
The consent of the owner is not required when the minor's residence is declared by one of the parents.
If the person is not the owner of the residence, the owner's consent is required.
Passport or ID card of a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania.
You can declare your place of residence by visiting your local municipality or online (via the portal "Electronic Government Gateway").
You must declare your place of residence within one month of arriving at the municipality.
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